It is important to have appropriate outdoor gear for any child participating in a Little Bees or RAD program. Here is the expectation of how your child should come dressed to program or have packed in their bag.
Summer - NON cotton base layers (wool or polyester), rain pants and jacket or rain suit (preferably rubberized nylon so it does not soak through), wool socks, rubber boots for yard play and sneakers for nature walk, extra clothes in case of an accident or water play
Winter - NON cotton base layers (preferably wool), fleece, insulated snow pants and jacket or one-piece suit, wool socks, insulated boots (Baffins are the best), hat, neck gaiter, mittens (ones that fit easily over wrist cuffs), hand and foot warmers if your child is known to get cold
Please provide a filling and nutritious snack and lunch for your child. We expend a lot of energy in our nature walks and exploration so they may eat more than usual. Please make sure your child is able to open and close their containers to minimize spreading of germs.
Your child is expected to carry their own gear during program. Please make sure they are able to carry their backpack comfortably with their water bottle, lunch and extra clothes/layers depending on the season.
Both Little Bees and RAD programs are almost entirely outside. The exceptions are when it is deemed dangerous due to storms, cold temperatures or other extreme events. This is why it is crucial that your child comes prepared in appropriate gear.